Lagoon whoami
lagoon whoami#
Whoami will return your user information for lagoon
Whoami will return your user information for lagoon. This is useful if you have multiple keys or accounts in multiple lagoons and need to check which you are using.
lagoon whoami [flags]
-h, --help help for whoami
--show-keys strings Select which fields to display when showing SSH keys. Valid options (others are ignored): type,created,key,fingerprint
Options inherited from parent commands#
--config-file string Path to the config file to use (must be *.yml or *.yaml)
--debug Enable debugging output (if supported)
-e, --environment string Specify an environment to use
--force Force yes on prompts (if supported)
-l, --lagoon string The Lagoon instance to interact with
--no-header No header on table (if supported)
--output-csv Output as CSV (if supported)
--output-json Output as JSON (if supported)
--pretty Make JSON pretty (if supported)
-p, --project string Specify a project to use
--skip-update-check Skip checking for updates
-i, --ssh-key string Specify path to a specific SSH key to use for lagoon authentication
--ssh-publickey string Specify path to a specific SSH public key to use for lagoon authentication using ssh-agent.
This will override any public key identities defined in configuration
--strict-host-key-checking string Similar to SSH StrictHostKeyChecking (accept-new, no, ignore) (default "accept-new")
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output to stderr (if supported)
- lagoon - Command line integration for Lagoon