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Lagoon list group users

lagoon list group-users#

List all users in groups


List all users in groups in lagoon, this only shows users that are in groups. If no group name is provided, all groups are queried. Without a group name, this query may time out in large Lagoon installs.

lagoon list group-users [flags]


  -h, --help          help for group-users
  -N, --name string   Name of the group to list users in

Options inherited from parent commands#

      --config-file string   Path to the config file to use (must be *.yml or *.yaml)
      --debug                Enable debugging output (if supported)
  -e, --environment string   Specify an environment to use
      --force                Force yes on prompts (if supported)
  -l, --lagoon string        The Lagoon instance to interact with
      --no-header            No header on table (if supported)
      --output-csv           Output as CSV (if supported)
      --output-json          Output as JSON (if supported)
      --pretty               Make JSON pretty (if supported)
  -p, --project string       Specify a project to use
      --skip-update-check    Skip checking for updates
  -i, --ssh-key string       Specify path to a specific SSH key to use for lagoon authentication


  • lagoon list - List projects, environments, deployments, variables or notifications