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By default the CLI is configured to use the amazeeio Lagoon. But you can also define additional Lagoons if you need to.

The .lagoon.yml file will be installed in your home directory by default

Layout of the configuration file#

The configuration file is laid out like below

current: amazeeio
default: amazeeio
    port: 32222
    token: ey.....xA
There are a few sections to cover off

  • current is the current Lagoon that you will be using, if you only have the one, it will be amazeeio
  • default is the default Lagoon to use, if you always use a particular Lagoon then you can set your preference as your default
  • lagoons is where the actual connection parameters are stored for each Lagoon, they all follow the same template.
    • graphql is the graphql endpoint
    • hostname is the ssh hostname
    • port is the ssh port
    • token is the graphql token, this is automatically generate the first time you lagoon login and will automatically refresh if it expires via ssh.

Add a Lagoon#

If you want to add a different Lagoon to use, then you can use the CLI command to view the flags available

lagoon config add --lagoon LagoonName


lagoon config add --lagoon amazeeio \
    --graphql \
    --hostname \
    --port 32222

Delete a Lagoon#

If you want to remove a Lagoon, you can use

lagoon config delete --lagoon LagoonName


lagoon config delete --lagoon amazeeio

Change default Lagoon#

If you add additional Lagoons, you can select which one is the default you want to use by running

lagoon config default --lagoon LagoonName


lagoon config default --lagoon amazeeio

Use a different Lagoon#

If you want to temporarily use a different Lagoon, when you run any commands you can specify the flag --lagoon or -l and then the name of the Lagoon


lagoon --lagoon mylagoon list projects

View Lagoons#

You can view all the Lagoons you have configured by running

lagoon config list
You have the following lagoons configured:
Name: amazeeio
 - Hostname:
 - GraphQL:
 - Port: 32222
Name: mylagoon
 - Hostname: ssh.mylagoon.example
 - GraphQL: https://api.mylagoon.example/graphql
 - Port: 32000
Name: local
 - Hostname: localhost
 - GraphQL: http://localhost:3000/graphql
 - Port: 2020

Your default lagoon is:
Name: local

Your current lagoon is:
Name: local